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2.  The Fields Section
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These settings define which fields the module should retrieve from the directory when it searches, adds and updates.

Setting: Description: Default: Example:
Email Email field of directory. mail Mail
Fullname “cn” (Complete Name) for Microsoft Active Directory, “fullName” for Novell eDir. cn cn
Groupaccount This field value is shown in the ListBoxes when choosing security groups from the Active Directory. The value is saved to the appropriate xml file on disk. cn cn
Groupfield This field provides the value for the Directoryname field in Security template. cn cn
Members This field is used to store and get the information about the members of a particular directory group in the LIstBoxes member member
ldapPrimaryGroup The ID of this field contains the primary group for a user. Set to primaryGroupID by default. primaryGroupID primaryGroupID
ObjectSID The field contains the object security identifier. objectSID objectSID

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